Dr. Varsha Aglawe

Name Dr. Varsha Aglawe
Degree Ph.D.
Occupation Associate Professor
Expertise Cytology, Medical Mycology, Human Health
Address Address: Govt. Science College (Autonomous), Pachpedi, South Civil Lines Jabalpur (MP) – 482 001
Phone 9826632105
Email dr.vaglawe@yahoo.com


Professional Qualification

Degree Institution/University Year of Passing
B.Sc. RDVV Jabalpur 1987
M.SC. RDVV Jabalpur 1989
Ph.D. RDVV Jabalpur 2004
Other Prabhakar (Kathak),Prayag (Allahabad) 1984


Articles in Journals

Sl.No Title Name of Journal / Vol. No. / Issue No. / Page Nos ISSN No. Year Published Impact Factor
1 Cryptococcal meningitis in HIV positive patient due to Crypotococcus neoformans serotype D Sci-fronts


Vol 5

0974-5297 2011  
2 Crytococcal meningitis due to Cryptococus noforams var. neoformans serotype D in HIV positive patient. Jigyasa. A peer reviewed research journal of sciences

vol. 6 (1), page 35-39

2231-2978 2012  
3 Decaying woody plant   material             an ecological niche of pathogenic Fungi isolated from indoor and outdoor environment of public places city of Jabalpur Central India. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity


IJTB/256/20 11 2012  



Sl.No Title Name of Journal / Vol. No. / Issue No. / Page Nos ISSN No. Year Published Impact Factor
4. Isolation of pathogenic fungi from the hospital environment. Anusandhan 097

Vol 6

Pp 60-63.

5 Phaeohyphomycosis by Alternaria alternata: A case study: In vitro Sensitivity and Exoantigen Studies. VEGETOS

Vol. 26 (special) :165-169

10.5958/j.2229-4473.26.2s.136. 2013 6.0
6 Studies on extracellular proteinase activity from Curvularia verruculosa causing Phaeohyphomycosis Paper. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Enviromental Sciences

Vol 15 issue 1, Page No. (133-142).

0972-3005 2013 0.09
7 Systemic Hyalohyphomycosis caused by Acremonium species, Cylindrocarpon lichenicola and Apispora montageni Photon Journal of Microbiology 7327 2013 4.13
8 Systemic phaeohyphomycosis caused by Cladosporium cladosporioides: invitro sensitivity and its serological diagonisis.  IISTE Intertional Institute for Science, Technology and Education Advances in Life Science and Technology

vol. 8, page no. 16-20.

ISSN 2224-7181 (paper) ISSN 2225-062X (online) 2013  
9 Isolation of Oppouttunistic Pathogenic Fungal Contamination from the Hospital EnvironmentVol. 2, International Journal of Global Science Research.

PP. 213-220 vol 2 issue 3

2348-8344 (online) 2015 1.837
10 A study of  micronuclei and DNA damage of cervical and urotherial epithelium in relation to some common human cervical infection and diseases. International journal of current research


ISSN: 0975-833X 2016 7.086
11 Hyalohuphomucosis caused by Paecilomyces variotii : case reports and in-vitro drug sensitivity . International journal of current research Vol 8 issue 4




2016 7.086


Sl.No Title Name of Journal / Vol. No. / Issue No. / Page Nos ISSN No. Year Published Impact Factor
12 Systemic hylohyphomycosis caused by Acremonium species,cylindrocarpon lichenicola and Apispora montagnei. International journal of theoretical and applied science.


Special issue-NCRTAST (print):0975-1718 (online) 2249-3247 2016 3.568
13 Isolation of invasive candidiasis in cancer patients: case reports International journal of health care sciences

vol. 4 issue 2 pp-339-341

2348-5728 2016 2.2
14 Epidemiology of pathogenic fungi from private hospital of Jabalpur India International journal  Life. Sci. Scienti.res


2(6):XXX-XXX 2016 4.0
15 Case report on fungal infection in post operative patients International journal  Life. Sci. Scienti.res


  2017 4.0
16 A study of cervical epithelial changes, DNA damage assessment and chromosomes aberrations in patients with cervical infections and malignancy problems Global Journal Multidis. Studies

Vol 6(70)

2348.0459     2017 3.987
17 Distribution management milk production and health of dairy cows in Jabalpur,india. International journal of science and research

Vol 6 (10)

2319-7064 2017 6.391


Seminars/ Conferences/ Symposium

Number of Workshop /Training Program/ Seminar/Conferences Attended/Organised




S. No Type Attended Organised
1. Seminar 9
2. Conference 17
3. Symposium 2
4. Workshop                  16 3
5. Training 6 2



Ph. D. Scholars Guided

S. No. Name of Scholar Title of Thesis Year of Award
1 Mr. Mubashir Azam Mir An investigation of human peripheral blood lymphocyte parameters and some molecular diagnostic markers for subclinical and early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Ongoing
2 Ms. Shraddha Patel Study of feeding behaviour of dairy cows, management and its impact on milk production Ongoing
3 Ms.  Parnavi Arya Study on prevalence of Diabetes and its correlation with sex ratio, age, occupation and food habits in the local population. Ongoing
4 Ms. Megha Tiwari Study on body mass index of male and female of Jabalpur region and its association with food habits, life style and occupation Ongoing
5 Ms. Sushma Jaget Study on the evaluation of some plant extract against Dysdurcus cingulatus Ongoing
6 Ms. Poonam Yadav Pathogenicity of symbiotic bacteria isolated from native entomopathogenic nematods against major insect pest Ongoing

Awards/ Achievements

  1. Awarded the 1st Prize for Poster Presentation in VII National Conference of Society for Indian Human and Animal Mycology 4-6th February 2008, at Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital Parel, Mumbai.
  2. Best paper presentation award in National Conference Khajuraho -on Environmental degradation and global health 1-2 February 2015 Khajuraho.
  3. Best paper presentation award in National conference on recent trends in applied Science and Technology Organized by Technocrat Institute of Technology, Bhopal 6-7 May 2016.
  4. International Award for Scientists of upcoming era, South Asia Management Association, 2017.